Friday, December 30, 2011

Motivation For Healthy Life Style We Can

Motivation Healthy Living

Healthy Living
We all certainly want to live healthy and be afraid if there is a disease that is lodged in our bodies. There are some things that are often overlooked in life, so that the evil consequences of this habit will come to disturb our health. This could happen only because of irregular living habits. Habits are, among others, skipping breakfast, less drinking water, lack of movement up to the high-calorie snack snacking.

There are a few tips below, on how to appreciate life by living a healthy and orderly, that is:

1. Drinking water in sufficient

Two-thirds of our body consists of water, the water is the most important element for the body. Every day we lose 1.5 liters of water through the skin, lungs and kidneys (in the form of urine). For that loss must be replaced with a sufficient amount, so the body will be spared from fatigue, headaches, dull skin and bad mood.

2. Daily breakfast

Breakfast is missed it will affect work productivity. For that 'listen' to your body by doing regular healthy breakfast every day. Healthy breakfast is adequate nutritional snack like a glass of milk or fruit juice or breakfast fast food rich in nutrients and low in fat.

3. A nutritious lunch

Excess carbohydrates often occurs during lunch, or eating foods that contain less protein sebagau energy sources.

Usually high-calorie snack foods will be the primary choice when hunger strikes, such as chocolate, crisps or biscuits, which contain lots of fat, sugar and salt. For that choose a nutritious lunch is a wise way to overcome hunger. Prudent manner according to Dr. Wendy Doyle, dieticians, by adding side dishes, eating a piece of fruit or a glass of yogurt.

4. Ceramic dinner

Usually after a weary day's work, it will be lazy when I have to prepare dinnerBecause usually when not preparing dinner, fast food or take-away food, which would contain high fat and salt into the main menu for dinner. The fix??, Eat something before you leave the office and fill the fridge with food that is more durable store for emergencies. If forced to buy food, better to avoid fried foods and think about the food contains nutrients, most do not, quite.

5. Do not forget to exercise regularly

Why should exercise? Because physical activity or exercise regularly can increase overall metabolism and also burns fat and cholesterol, also enhance and accelerate blood circulation throughout the body.

The success achieved from the sport depends according to the levels of sporting activity, and order, in accordance with our respective abilities.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Improving Children's Learning Motivation To Pursue Achievement

Improving Children's Learning Motivation To Pursue Achievement

Learning motivation
Indeed, sometimes the parents also prefer to confusion when the child has to answer questions. Often the parents answered that learning and memorizing it is to make people successful in the future. Answers like that certainly is not easy to be understood by childrenMotivation to learn children are often decreased, especially coupled with the many changes that happen to him. He often concluded that learning and memorizing a subject is just to get a value or a pass mark. In these circumstances, the role of parents to improve children's learning motivation is very important. Stimulate children's learning motivation from within himself better than him just so he diligently studied.

To motivate the spirit of learning, remind him how he felt when he got an achievement in life. We believe that every person must have reached an achievement in life and this incident certainly very happy himself. For example, the child feels happy when he can buy a bicycle from the results of saving for three months, happy to have won one in class or feel happy because it got a math contest winners.

Happiness will usually stored either in memory of someone, therefore invite and pengaruhilah child so that he could get such happiness again. By providing the motivation, invite children to be able to achieve a feat can make children more excited about learning again. We believe that everyone would want happiness he had felt in his life are likely to occur.

When parents want to motivate children to want to learn, ask her to always learn in earnest, so that someday he can be accepted at the school that best suit your wants. Also explained to him that the chances of success of the best schools will be more than from any other school. Invite your child to feel how happy if he accepted the favorite school.

Giving gifts to increase motivation to learn the child is often done by parents. Simple gifts such as school bags with pictures or drawings spiderman cartoon that recently he saw on TV. New purse, and children become more diligent and industrious spirit of leaving school. Motivation is a real positive impact for children. We try to give a gift that motivates our children to the achievement of course.

But if a gift is given for example the new game tapes, then it must be controlled so as not to play the game continues and even forgot to study. The original plan to give gifts to enhance the learning achievement of children, may actually be true increase motivation to play the game, but the declining learning motivation. But, sometimes also play the game together to celebrate the achievements of children also is something fun. By offering the gift of game tapes of the most favored child if the child is achieving, is automatically the child's motivation in achievement also rose.

I also agree that such schools also provide herikan prizes to students who excel. This will boost their morale, increase the child's motivation to study even harder. In addition, students will be motivated achievers who have not been able to catch up to students who excel.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Business Motivation

Self Motivation in Business

Business Motivation
Self motivation in business is needed in one's balance in focus to pursue the business world. Not only those things that are business marketing theory and techniques to be mastered, but psychological factors such as self-motivation must be maintained to exist and be able to go forward and succeed as well get rid of a term called excluded because of natural selection.

Self-motivation in business. What happens if a person loses self-motivation, it is definitely going to impact on daily performance and in the end is coming whose name lazy nature.

Everyone would have had such a case, but the important thing here is how do we minimize that self-motivation and excellent well maintained, specifically in this case is the motivation internet business.

Motivation may decline because internet business income coveted did not come, the income still does not meet expectations or are not in the mood condition.

One of the most common characteristics of successful people is that they continue to develop a system of network of relationships with different people from different walks of life. From there they gain motivation. They know that the more people they know, and know them, more fortunate, and the likelihood that they will have. They take every opportunity to network with others and expand their network of contacts in all areas of life they think is important.

Having a wide network has a large number of benefits, particularly in achieving the main goal. We can get motivation from an extensive network. If you have a number of goals and big dreams about what you want to accomplish, then the power of networking for you. In addition the network will also be useful in your achievement like in terms of business, promotion, career, social, information, references, transaction, support, partnerships and various other things.

Here are some tips that can improve your performance and productivity that will affect your career advancement.
  • Work more quickly.
Develop a sense of urgency to keep whatever you want to do or did. Immediate action, do it in time, do not get used to delay your job your job does not accumulate. People who do their jobs more quickly would be far more advanced than those who procrastinate. Motivate yourself to keep the spirit.
  • Do more important things.
Therefore you only have a certain number of hours each day so make sure you spend every minute to do things of value to you and the company rather than other things. Avoid focusing on low-priority jobs because it just brings low output anyway.
  • Do more than expected.
Many people hold the view that they simply do according to the company paid no wonder why they are difficult to be promoted and salary increases. If we want to get up and get a promotion then always try to do our job better than expected, because we always get paid for what we do first rather than vice versa.
  • Give attention to detail.
Your attention to detail things will bring you more prominent in the work because maybe not everyone will pay attention to what it should be addressed or acted upon.
  • Be an expert in the field that you do.
The more expert you are in the areas of work you tekuni the more expensive your score. Continue to focus consistently develop your skills as this determinant your career and income.
  • Be a problem solver.
We need to be aware always that we get paid to solve problems within the company rather than a trouble maker. Each person will only be remembered from a solved problem or problems it creates. When we are able to solve bigger problems then we will immediately get a bigger reward.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Student Motivation

Student Motivation

Student Motivation
In motivating students to learn, one of the most important is the knowledge of the character of children and their learning model. This is important because motivation affects their success in school and achieve best in class rank.

"Every child is special", This is not mere words, or lips, but the theory that 'every child a special' is true. Every child born carrying the tendency of each different from each other. He is not the same as anyone else. With the sentence "Every child is special" inadvertently have provided motivation to the child if the child can do it.

Every child born is not the same as the attitude of their parents (father and mother). Probably the same, but a child will not be exactly the same as the nature of both parents. He was born to bring their own nature, bring your own tendencies and their own advantages and disadvantages. With such motivation will appear on himself.

Even children who were born twins, identical though. They are not true in all respects. They are unique, every child is unique. And because it is unique, it would provide motivation to them, that they are special.

This understanding should be understood by parents and teachers private lessons. They must understand in dealing with children, it takes a unique and special way. This can not be equated with anyone, and do not have to be treated just like everyone else. Including if they have a problem, the solution should also be different from the solutions that have been successfully applied to other people. Teachers should be able to provide motivation.

In motivating a child (student), we must understand exactly how the nature of this child. What's really their problem. What are the advantages that they possess? What they have shortcomings? What kind of environment that is around? Psychological conditions such as what they are facing right now? Etc..

There are two factors that make a person be motivated to learn, namely:

First, motivation to learn comes from internal factors. This formed the motivation for self-awareness on the importance of understanding how to develop themselves and learn to live stock.

Second, motivation to learn from external factors, which can be a stimulus from another person, or the surrounding environment that can affect the psychology of the person concerned.

Increase motivation to learn:

Motivation to learn will not be formed if the person does not have desires, ideals, or to realize the benefits of learning for themselves. Therefore, it takes a certain conditioning, to ourselves or anyone else who wants to learn to be motivated spirit.
  • Associating it with a people who love to learn. Associating with people who enjoy learning and achievement, would make us too fond of learning. Also, try searching for people or communities that have a good habit to learn.
  • Ask about experience in a variety of places to people who have or are continuing their education to higher education, those who received scholarships to study abroad, or people who received the award on a presrasi.
  • Habits and their enthusiasm will be contagious to us. Like the analogy of someone who was friends with the artisan blacksmith or a perfume seller. If we associate with artisan blacksmith, then we also splattered the smell of burnt metal, and if mingle with the perfume seller, we would be splashed scent of perfume.
  • Learn anything. The sense studied here broadly understood, both formal and nonformal. We can learn about the various skills such as assembling a computer, learn to write, make movies, learn entrepreneurship, and others.
  • Learning from the internet. We can use the Internet to join a collection of people who enjoy learning. One of our mailing lists can become a means of exchanging opinions, thoughts, and self-motivation.
  • Associate with people who are optimistic and always think positive. In this world, there are people who always seem optimistic despite merudung problem. We will catch the spirit, passion, and sense of optimism if often socialize with people or are in a community like that, and vice versa.
  • Find a motivator. Sometimes, someone takes another person as a booster or a mentor in life. For example: a friend, boyfriend, or spouse. You can do the same by looking for someone / community who can help drive or motivate your learning and achievement.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Improving Work Motivation

Improving Work Motivation

Work motivation
Each person would have a different motivation to work according to physical and mental condition as well as satisfaction gained from his work. Here is an important part that can help improve an employee's work motivation.

1. Target
The existence of clear goals and firm will help an employee or individual to stay focused on realistic goals and he can accomplish. Remember, goals or targets must be realistic. Why? The more unrealistic a goal, the lower the motivation to work because it will just make people frustrated with things that are not realistic.

2. Participation
Basically, the motivation is needed, with the motivation of everyone will be the spirit of doing the work, and people will be motivated if he is really involved or contributed to the work. Therefore, a leader must provide motivation and involve employees to think through the steps of business development.

3. Recognition
Nonfinancial recognition, such as praise, indeed needs to be done by employers to employees who have done the job perfectly. This will provide motivation compliment a very big impact for the individual because this recognition associated with the six basic human needs of the most sought after. With the praise it will provide motivation to employees to be more advanced.

4. Communication
Communication process that occurs in the office between superiors and subordinates will make subordinates feel more trusted and secure. Feeling safe will certainly make an employee to work quietly and freely give their best. This is the motivation to do a boss.

5. Opportunity
Basically with the motivation, everybody eager to grow in any way, including in employment. Many things are very influential in the career development of employees, among them the opportunity to contribute and opportunities to enhance our potential.

6. Cooperation
As social beings, humans do have to interact with others. Interaction is a process that absolutely must be there. In fact, people who have a closed personality is very important to interact. With interaction, people can identify themselves and gain motivation. Form of interaction in the world of work can be realized in the process of working together to do a job.